Cash Report

This section shows how each period's cash balance changes from one statement period to the next. Cash balances are shown in your base currency in total, and for the securities and commodities segments of your account (in compliance with SEC and CFTC rules). For statements with multiple currencies, all amounts are totaled in the Base Currency Summary section, and then detailed for each additional currency.

Starting and Ending Cash represent trade date balances. We also show settlement date balances representing cash that has been received from a clearing organization (i.e. if you sell stock today you will not receive the proceeds for three days). Interest is calculated based on settlement balances (adjusted settled balances in the event an account holds short stock positions), accrued during the month and paid after the close of the month. For a complete explanation of how interest is calculated, see our IBKR Interest Calculation Method page.

Field Description
Account ID The account number.
Account Alias Account alias, if there is one.
Model Model, if applicable.
Currency The currency denomination.
From Date The starting date of the cash report.
To Date The ending date of the cash report.
Starting Cash The total amount of cash in your account at the start of the statement period.
Client Fees The total amount of client fees.
Commissions The total amount of commissions.
Commission Credits The current balance, the award and redemption activity.
Billable Commissions The total amount of billable commissions.
Deposits/Withdrawals The difference between deposits and withdrawals.
Deposits The total amount of deposits.
Withdrawals The total amount of withdrawals.
Account Transfers The total amount of account transfers.
Linking Adjustments If an account is linked mid-period, cash balances and/or equity balances for the report date prior to the linking date are included as Linking Adjustments. If an account is de-linked mid-period, cash balances and/or equity balances for the de-linking date are included as Link Adjustments (values are negated).
Internal Transfers The total amount of internal transfers.
Debit Card Activity The total amount of debit card transactions.
Bill Pay Activity The total amount of bill pay transactions.
Dividends The total amount of dividends.
Broker Interest Paid and Received The total amount of broker interest paid and received.
Bond Interest Paid and Received The total amount of bond interest paid and received.
Cash Settling MTM Cash Settling MTM shows mark-to-market gains and losses for Futures as well as Options that settle into cash.
Net Trades Sales Net Trades (Sales) contains the following:
  • Proceeds from Stocks, Options, Bonds, T-bills and Forex.
  • Cash received from Corporate Actions.
Net Trades Purchases Net Trades (Purchases) contains the following:
  • Purchases for Stocks, Options, Bonds, T-bills and Forex.
  • Cash paid due to Corporate Actions.
Other Fees The total amount of other fees.
Advisor Fees The total amount of Financial Advisor fees for an advisor client.
Fees Receivables The total amount of fees receivables.
Fees Receivables Securities The total amount of fees receivables in the security segment.
Fees Receivables Commodities The total amount of fees receivables in the commodities segment.
Fees Receivables IB UKL The total amount of fees receivables in the IB UKL account.
Payment in Lieu The total amount of payment in lieu.
Transaction Tax The total amount of transaction tax.
Tax Receivables The total amount of tax receivables.
Withholding Tax The total amount of withholding tax.
871(m) Withholding Derivative positions in the account subject to dividend tax withholding rules.
FX Translation Gain/Loss Because FX translation rates change from period to period, there will be differences in the translated base currency balances. This difference is reflected in the FX Translation Gain/Loss line.
Ending Cash The total amount of cash in your account at the end of the statement period.
Ending Settled Cash The total amount of settled cash in your account at the end of the statement period.
Report Date The date of the statement.